Revolutionizing Agriculture

How CrackSense is changing the game for farmers and growers?

Lean Multi-Actor Approach

5 Research Institues & Universities
5 Farmers Associations & Organizations
3 Technology/Agritech SMEs
1 Business Associacion
1 Policy Advisor

CrackSense Tailor-Made Solution

Reducing 1/2 of the yield losses due to cracking resulting in 50% higher financial gain for farmers and growers

Real-Time Sensor Data & Technologies

Working with the 10+ of the most sophisticated Data & Real timer sensor technologies.
Using Proximal, Remote & Satelite Sensing

Upscaling through CO-Creation in real life

In depth research, experiments & piloting activities on 4 types of fruits, in 5 different climtic regions on 2 continents.

Project Objectives

SO1 Upscale sensing technologies to collect data at the fruit, tree and plot scales, to enable real-time monitoring of fruit cracking, estimation of yield loss, and assessment of risk of cracking incidence

SO2 Create agri-environmental datasets relevant to fruit cracking by combining and processing-at-the-source (edge computing) multi-source/multi-modal data collected through sensors used in agricultural production and Earth Observation data

SO3 Develop models and SDSSs to estimate the risk of cracking by integrating regional cracking incidence data with environmental and climatic data, and with data collected through sensors used in agricultural production and Earth Observation data

SO4 Upscale the sensing and analysis tools developed, to assess the risk of cracking incidence through piloting activities in a number of agricultural crops in a wide geographical region

SO5 Disseminate, communicate CrackSense results, develop business models and support policy maker in further development of digital and data technologies


The road to impact

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